Tableau is a powerful business intelligence and data visualization tool that has a very intelligent and appealing user interface. The main advantage is that you do not need to have indepth coding knowledge for this and its use is in drilling-down data, creating insightful reports and garner actionable business insights. It is very easy to analyze data and understand it in a beautiful and useful manner. This is one of the reasons why Tableau is unassailable when it comes to providing killer interactive data visualization in order to help organizations solve their data problems and come up with data-driven solutions and business insights that make a difference.
One of the major strengths of the tableau is that it can easily be used by companies and people who do not have complete or any knowledge in using data visualization, analytics and business intelligence tools
Tableau Desktop – It is a full developer software, provides Self-service business analytics and data visualization that anyone can use.
Tableau Server - Publish dashboards with Tableau Desktop and share them throughout the organization with web based Tableau Server
Tableau Online - Hosted version of Tableau Server makes business intelligence faster and easier than ever before
Tableau Reader - Free desktop application that enables you to open and view visualizations built in Tableau Desktop
Thus tableau enables us to build in more integrated, structured and digital data community that helps the business to be more sustainable and organized.